Mixer and Fulgur Pallavolo Bagnacavallo together again

Five years ago, we decided to support a local women’s volleyball team, the Polisportiva Fulgur Bagnacavallo. During these years, together we have promoted some important projects for the community: from the donation of masks to schools during the pandemic, up to the recent renovation of the floor of the Bagnacavallo sports hall.

We have recently renewed the collaboration, and Mixer will continue to be the main sponsor of Fulgur Volleyball, both for the women’s sector and for the brand new men’s sector, which returns to Bagnacavallo after over ten years.

This new agreement provides for the creation of new uniforms with a return to tradition: the athletes, in fact, will wear the colors of the Fulgur of Bagnacavallo, white and red. The shirts will feature the Polisportiva shield on the heart and the Mixer’s logo on both sides.

The ceremony for the delivery of the new uniforms is scheduled for January 18, 2024 on the floor of the Palazzetto Egisto Zattoni.

Andrea Galanti, Mixer’s CEO: “I thank Fulgur and president Longanesi for the opportunity they give us to be close to the young people of the area with an initiative that we support not only for its sporting but also educational value. Once again this year, the club has shown us the qualities of its management, its staff and all the athletes. Proud to be with you“.

Alberto Longanesi, Fulgur’s President: “As President and above all personally, I am very happy with Mixer’s renewed trust and collaboration with our historic sports club. There is a lot of harmony with Andrea Galanti for the Fulgur’s goals in the sports field and beyond. And this is a source of great pride and satisfaction for us“.

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