In 2021, for the 25th anniversary of Mixer, we launched a project with the ITIS Nullo Baldini (Ravenna), to reward the most deserving students of the “Chemistry of Materials” course. Again this year, we met the future chemists, introducing the story of the company and deepening themes of interest for their study plan.
Last October, Andrea Galanti, CEO of the company, and the headmaster of the school met the winners and offered them three scholarships: the three students obtained the best GPA in Industrial Chemical Technologies, Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Analytical and Instrumental Chemistry and English Language, disciplines considered crucial in the training of students.
Mixer also participate in the school work experience project and periodically welcomes students from ITIS Nullo Baldini.

Photo credits @ITIS Nullo Baldini

Photo credits @ITIS Nullo Baldini
Photo credits @ITIS Nullo Baldini